MATLAB: Could anyone help me how to solve the issue.

matrix manipulation

I am having a matrix of
a=[0.0022 0.0021;
0.0922 0.0938;
0.0146 0.0143;
0.2549 0.2509]
I want to calculate the difference of each number with other number present in the remaining rows.
for example i want to calculate the difference of 0.0022 with 0.0922,0.0146 and 0.2549(first column numbers)
similarly i want to calculate the difference of 0.0922 with 0.0022 ,0.0146 and 0.2549 (first column numbers)and so on.
In the same manner i want to calculate the difference of 0.0021 with 0.0938,0.0143 and 0.2509 (second column numbers) and so on.
Could anyone please help me on this.

Best Answer

differences=reshape(a,m,1,n) - reshape(a,1,m,n);