MATLAB: Corresponding legends for each curves in one plot


Hi !
I'm trying to plot 8 matrixes (C1 to C8) on 1 plot. For each ploted matrix, I want the corresponding legend (C1 to C8). Below is my code and when I run it, MATLAB returns me :
"Function 'subsindex' is not defined for values of class 'cell'.
Error in matlab_common_plot (line 16) legend(Legend)"
numberfile = 8
title('Spannung vs. Traversenweg - - C')
for i=1:numberfile
hold all
hold off
xlabel('Traversenweg (mm)')
ylabel('Spannung (MPa)')
Legend = cellstr( num2str((1:numberfile)','C%d') );
saveas(gca, 'Spannung vs. Traversenweg - -C.jpg', 'jpg');

Best Answer

I generate some fake data with
for i=1:numberfile, eval(['C' int2str(i) '=rand(10,10);']), end
and the code works fine for me. Can you run this without error?
Maybe you have by accidentally defined legend as a variable. You can check this using
which legend
Should return something like
Note that using variables of that differ only in a single upper-case letter from a Matlab function, like your "Legend" is not a good idea. Use something else, like legendstr.