MATLAB: Correcting the label in a 3D scatter plot


Hello there,
I have a .xls file that contains x,y,z vertics. The sequence goes something like this (that header of each): x0,y0,z0,x1,y2,z2,……….x1000,y1000,z1000. (3000points in total) Each x,y,z together forms a point I see in the scatter 3D point. I am wondering how to identity/access that particular point properly, say x0,y0,z0 will be verticx 0, x1000,y1000,z1000 will be verticx 1000.
That's what I have from the help eailer:
clc;clear all;
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('test_april24.csv');
for i = 1:3:3000
a = num(3,i);
b = num(3,i+1);
c = num(3,i+2);
k=scatter3(a,b,c, 'filled');
text(a, b, c, S);
row = dataTipTextRow('Index: ',i');
k.DataTipTemplate.DataTipRows(end+1) = row;
hold on
The index number is now just showing one of the axis (since its based on the total number i) say index 3000 but I am expecting 1000
In addition, when the index popped up, is there a way that I can access a participant point that I am interested? say x100,y100,z100 (verticx100)?
Many thanks!

Best Answer

I used currentPoint property of callback to get coordinates of mouseclick
currentPoint returns 2 points in 3D space. I used crossp roduct to find closest point
See script inside
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