MATLAB: Plotting a 3D surface model with colours from excel


I need help for plotting a 3D surface model with colours based on my z axis. I have imported my data from excel into Matlab, however I am quite new to this software, so I am bit confused which commandoes should be used. The excel file is shared 🙂

Best Answer

I am not certain what result you want.
One option:
T1 = readtable('dagslysdata.xlsx', 'HeaderLines',3);
Xv = linspace(min(T1.X), max(T1.X), 50);
Yv = linspace(min(T1.Y), max(T1.Y), 50);
[Xm,Ym] = ndgrid(Xv, Yv);
Zm = griddata(T1.X,T1.Y,T1.Z, Xm,Ym, 'natural');
surf(Xm, Ym, Zm)
Another option:
Zm = griddata(T1.X,T1.Y,T1.Z, Xm,Ym, 'nearest');
surf(Xm, Ym, Zm)
See the documentation on griddata for a full description of what it does, and linspace to understand how to create the ‘Xv’ and ‘Yv’ vectors (that then use ndgrid to create the ‘Xm’ and ‘Ym’ matrices) to get the resolution you want.