MATLAB: Copyfile/ movefile when filenames are not directly available


Hello Everyone,
I have two .xlsx files in a folder, I want to copy/ move those .xlsx files to a different folder but the user is not aware of file names which are stored in a workspace variable of the same Matlab program.
As shown below: 'flagged' is a workspace variable of my program which has file names. I want to copy/ move those specific files to a separate folder.
I tried following but it's not working
copyfile flagged(i).name newFolder
Please advise.

Best Answer

flagged is a cell so you couldn’t access it using parentheses and dot motion.
flagged{i} is your ith element in flagged. For example flagged{1} will be myFile.xlsx. If you want to move it somewhere you may also need the full directory as well unless it’s in the current directory.