MATLAB: How to print names of files or folders contained in a specific folder in first row in excel sheet

importing excel dataMATLAB

For example, if there are 10 folders in a directory, how can I print their names in the first excel row, with the format '1 name for each cell'?
Here is the code of what I tried so far
for folder = 1:length(srcFolders)
path = strcat('D:\',srcFolders(folder).name);
folder_range = strcat(column_range, '1');
xlswrite(xls_filename, {srcFolders(folder).name}, xls_sheet, folder_range);

Best Answer

this should work:
srcFolders = dir;
for folder = 1:length(srcFolders)
srcFolders(folder).fullname = strcat('D:\',srcFolders(folder).name);
xlswrite('xlsFile', {srcFolders(:).fullname}, 'xlsSheet','A1');
Notice that the writing to excel file is only the last row, and the loop only adds the prefix of the path into a new field in the directories struct