MATLAB: Copy the value from a variable to a new name


I have a not very difficult problem, but I don't know how to solve it. I've created a variable and I need to write this number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the newfileName.
for k = 1:length(fileNames)
n = num2str(fileNames{k}(3:4));
if n > 20 & n < 21
fileName = 1 % put your file name for this case here

elseif n >= 22 & n < 23
fileName = 2 % put your file name for this case here
elseif n >= 24 & n < 25
fileName = 3 % put your file name for this case here
fileName = 4
newFileName = [ fileNames{k}(3) '_dm_' fileNames{k}(4:9) '_' fileNames{k}(10:16) 'hu' ];
movefile([myPath fileNames{k}], [myPath newFileName]);
For example, if I write the following code the result is not the value from this variable (1,2,3 or 4). It's "hufileName". How can I change it?
newFileName = [ fileNames{k}(3) '_dm_' fileNames{k}(4:9) '_' fileNames{k}(10:16) 'hu' 'fileName'
Thanks in advance and greetings,

Best Answer

in your code - filename is a number so you have two choices
1. use num2str to change it from a number to a string
newFilename = [ 'string' num2str(filename) ];
2. make it expicitly a string
filename = '1';
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