MATLAB: Copy matlab Simulink SUBSYSTEMS and SFUNCTIONS to another model

copying subsystemssimulink

I have to seperate a top level model A and create another model with name B,C and D which contains Masked subsystems, unmasked subsystems and Sfunction models respectively.
While doing so, I am able to get which all are sfunction models and subsystems using "find_system".
But I am not able to copy these found models into a single model B, C or D respectively.
I have tried using "Simulink.BlockDiagram.copyContentsToSubSystem" command but am not able to get the solution.
Please let me know how can I copy all models which are found using "find_subsystem" from A to B , C or D model.
Please find the below code that I have written only for model B for copying subsystem models to model B i.e.,"new_model/System_Model"
%Load the model and find the subsystems and sfunctions
NoOfMaskedSubsystem = find_system(gcs,'SearchDepth',6, 'LookUnderMasks','all', 'BlockType', 'SubSystem')
NoOfSfunctoin = find_system(gcs,'SearchDepth',6, 'LookUnderMasks','all', 'BlockType', 'S-Function')
NoOfNonMaskedSubsystem = find_system(gcs,'SearchDepth',6, 'LookUnderMasks','none', 'BlockType', 'SubSystem')
% %Create the new model having subsystems model for sfunction and subsystems
sys = 'new_model';
new_system(sys) % Create the model
x = 30;
y = 30;
w = 30;
h = 30;
offset = 60;
pos = [x y+h/4 x+w y+h*.75];
add_block('built-in/Subsystem',[sys '/System_Model'],'Position',pos)
%Add Top Level Model
Simulink.BlockDiagram.copyContentsToSubSystem('input', 'new_model/System_Model');

Best Answer

You can copy the blocks you find directly without the copy contents function.
For example:
add_block(NoOfNonMaskedSubsystem{1},[gcs '/System_Model'],'Position',pos)
As for you copyContents call, the first input should be model A. I don't know what the 'input' is supposed to be in this case.