MATLAB: Copy an independant figure to panel in app designer

Antenna Toolboxapp designergraphicspattern

Hi guys,
i have a problem and i don't know how to solve this. I want to copy a graphics of an independant figure to a panel created in app designer.
I've tried with copyobj and it seemed to work but it won't show the dBi of an antenna's 3dpattern.
this is a part of my code:
antennaObject = design(dipole,app.FreqEditField.Value);
antennaObject.Length = app.Dipolelength;
antennaObject.Width = app.Dipolewidth;
plotFrequency = app.FreqEditField.Value;
pattern(antennaObject, plotFrequency)
ax = gca;
You can see it cannot save the dBi value from the left figure.
Thank you for your support.

Best Answer

You have to copy all desired objects from the figure listed in the figure's "children" property.
Here's a demo that copies all objects from 'fig' (blue, regular figure) to 'uifig' (yellow, uifigure).
You probably only want some of the objects which you can select from fig.Children.
uifig = uifigure('Color',[1 1 .8])
fig = figure('color',[.8 1 1]);
ax = axes(fig);
plot(ax, magic(3))
copyobj(fig.Children, uifig)