MATLAB: Converting structure array to xls file


Dear all,
I have a huge structure array of patient datasets that looks like this:
I need to convert this structure array to excel or csv file in a matter I'd be able to use it in Excel, SPSS, etc for further analysis. However, I'm not able to export this easily. Any input is much appreciated!

Best Answer

This is probably most easily done through recursion and basic file I/O
function dump_patient_record( fields_above_here, current_level, fid )
if ~isstruct(current_level)
fprintf(fid, '%s,', fields_above_here{:});
fprintf(fid, '%f\n', current_level ); %assuming it is a scalar for simplicity
thesefields = fieldnames(current_level);
for K = 1 : length(thesefields)
thisfield = thesefields{K};
dump_patient_record( [fields_above_here {thisfield}], current_level.(thisfield), fid );