MATLAB: Does a .dat file look good in Matlab, then open with incorrect formatting externally?

datatext file

Hi All,
As per the title, this short script:
for i = 1:length(X)
fid = fopen(['LUKE_',num2str(i),'.dat'],'w');
fprintf(fid, ['LUKE''s blade design, element number ',num2str(i),'\n']);
fprintf(fid, 'data here NOT from PROPID \n')
fprintf(fid, '1 \n') %No. airfoil tables in this file
fprintf(fid, [num2str(i),'\n']) %table ID parameter
fprintf(fid, '13 \n') %stall angle
fprintf(fid, '0 \n') %not used

fprintf(fid, '0 \n') %not used
fprintf(fid, '0 \n') %not used
fprintf(fid, '-4.245 \n') %Angle of attack for zero Cn for linear Cn curve (deg)
fprintf(fid, '6.009 \n') %Cn slope for zero lift for linear Cn curve (1/rad)
fprintf(fid, '1.809 \n') %Cn at stall value for positive angle of attack for linear Cn curve
fprintf(fid, '-1 \n') %Cn at stall value for negative angle of attack for linear Cn curve
fprintf(fid, '0 \n') %Angle of attack for minimum CD (deg)
fprintf(fid, '0.01072 \n') %Minimum CD value
for k = 1:length(AERO_ANG)
Output looks as expected when 'opened as text' in Matlab. This is not the case when opened externally. Could someone please explain why?

Best Answer

If you need to open in NotePad, then change the 'w' in the fopen() to 'wt' .