MATLAB: Converting cell array with various entry types

cell arrayreformat

Hello, I have the following lines of code:
fid = fopen('singleatom.txt','r'); %read as a single cell
C = textscan(fid,'%s');
C = C{1,1}(1:5)
which produces the following output:
C =
Could anyone explain to me how you would go about converting the cell array into a format where the data could be utilised, as this does not appear to be possible in its current form. The data represents:
C(1) = atom type
C(2) = atom number
C(3) = x-coordinate
C(4) = y-coordinate
C(5) = z-coordinate
So, for instance, how would I convert the data so that I could proceed to plot the atom's position on a scatter plot and label it with the identifiers?
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,

Best Answer

C ={'Eu3+' 'Eu4+'
'1' '2'
'10.06037350' '10.05026240'
'-4.673610300' '-5.562509200'
'-1.834337367' '-2.945448478'}
% you have the cells in the first line are char type
% the other cells are double type