MATLAB: Convert to date, hour, and minute


We collect data from a data logger that collects date and time stamps in addition to the actual data. Here is the date format.
2011 95 1300
The first and third columns are self explanatory. The 2nd column is the no. of days since January the 1st.
I would like to know if there is a way to convert the information into 4/5/2011 13:00.
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

added after the receipt of Bahram's data [edited]
d = [ 221 2012 43 1900 13.63 2.745
221 2012 43 2000 13.39 0.002
221 2012 43 2100 13.2 -2.362
221 2012 43 2200 13.04 -3.703
221 2012 43 2300 12.87 -4.243
221 2012 44 0 12.73 -4.555]
d1 = d(:,4)/100;
out = datestr(datenum(d(:,2), 1, d(:,3), fix(d1), 100*rem(d1,1), 0))