MATLAB: Convert String array into Cell array


I am running simulations for 16 weather stations and saving 3 simulated temperature measurements at each station. I created a large table (11000×48000) to hold simulations. I want to name each of the columns something descriptive. I was able to get the names I want into a 1×48000 string array, but I believe I have to convert it into a 1×48000 cell array to work.
varNames = join([repmat('Sim_',3*1000*16,1),(reshape(repmat(1:1000,3*16,1),[],1)),...
reshape(repmat({'_Max', '_Min', '_Avg'},1000*16,1)',[],1)], "")';
simTable.Properties.VariableNames = varNames;

Best Answer

Is this the conversion you need?
result = arrayfun(@(x)char(varNames(x)),1:numel(varNames),'uni',false);