MATLAB: Convert a 3-d matrix to a 2-d matrix

2d matix3d matixagent based modelaxelrod modeltranform matrix

I have this variable 'a'. I want to convert it into a 2-d matrix of dimensions 3*3. The output I am looking for is a 3*3 matrix denoted by 'b'. Any help will be appreciated.
val(:,:,1) =
1 3 8
6 4 8
3 1 6
val(:,:,2) =
4 10 6
9 9 4
6 4 7
b =
14 310 86
69 49 84
36 14 67

Best Answer

val(:,:,1) =[ 1 3 8
6 4 8
3 1 6];
val(:,:,2) =[ 4 10 6
9 9 4
6 4 7];
val(:,:,3) = randi([5,15],3,3)
l = floor(log10(val)+1);
ex = cumsum(l(:,:,end:-1:2),3);
c = cat(3,val(:,:,1:end-1).*10.^ex(:,:,end:-1:1),val(:,:,end))
out = sum(c,3);
z = num2cell(cellfun(@num2str,num2cell(val),'un',0),[1 2])
out = str2double(strcat(z{:}))