MATLAB: Conversion of a date/time column into serial date number and seperate time column

date conversion

I have a table in table format and it has 6 columns and 6 million rows.
The first column has dates and time in such a format '20050103 014800' which stands for 3rd January 2005 01:48:00.
I want the date of the first column to be converted into a date serial number which can be recognized by matlab (ie. via datenum). The time section I want to put into a seperate adjacent column in the format 00:00–>0, 00:01–>1 up until 23:59–>1439. can anyone help me? thanks

Best Answer

use datenum and a format specifier (assuming X is your variable and Y is the requested variable)
numFormat = datenum(X{:,1},'yyyymmdd HHMMSS');
Y(:,1)= round(numFormat);
Y(:,2)= hour(numFormat)*60 + minute(numFormat);