MATLAB: Configure Simulink to ask for new model version when saving the model


Currently, Simulink can be configured to prompt for a comment each time a model is saved.
I do not want it to increment the version number on its own, so I have removed the AutoIncrement macro in the History section of Model properties.
Although, I would like to have the option of choosing the model version number along with the message each time when saving the model if possible so as to increment both major and minor releases at my own pace, conveniently, and without forgetting.
Currently using MATLAB 2017b
Thanks for the help!

Best Answer

This might be possible using model callbacks, but it would have to be added to every model manually, or to the default Simulink template.
open the model
set_param(bdroot, 'presavefcn', 'str=inputdlg;set_param(bdroot, ''ModelVersionFormat'', str{1})')