MATLAB: How to control number of minor ticks between the major ticks

controlmajor tickminor tick

How to put desired number of minor ticks between two major ticks.
Like for a 24 hours data, I may like to indicate every 15-min data with a minor tick.
In that case I may need 3-minor ticks per 1 major ticks.
Other way round, if i need to indicate every 30-min data with a minor tick.
In that case I may need 1-minor ticks per 1 major ticks.
So how to control these number of tick marks??
Any suggestions…?

Best Answer

You can specify the MinorTickValues:
axesH = axes;
plot(axesH, 1:10);
axesH.XAxis.MinorTick = 'on';
axesH.XAxis.MinorTickValues = 1:0.25:10;