MATLAB: Concatenating matrices in a file into another matrix

concatenationMATLABmatrix manipulation

I am having certain 1*3 matrices; all of them are stored in a file (p.mat). All of them are of size 1*3; (for ex P1=[1 2 3]; P3=[2 2 1]etc. What I want to do is to combine all separate 1*3 matrices into one n*3 matrix(NOTE: THE NO. OF ROWS IN p.mat file CHANGES).
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

For example,
>> p1=[1,2,3]; p2=[4 5 6]; p3=[7 8 9]; save p p1 p2 p3
>> A=cell2mat(struct2cell(load('p')))
A =
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9