MATLAB: Concatenate nested cell array in one


Hello matlab community,
how do I concatenate arrays with different sizes into one dimensional array:
dblArrayX{1}{1} = [12;15];
dblArrayX{2}{1} = 13;
dblArrayX{3}{1} = [16;17;19];
unknown method leads to
newArray{1} = [12;15;13;16;17;19]
I need the method for this newArray without loops.

Best Answer

Since apparently it was the correct solution, I'll repost it:
It puzzles me why you would want this without the temporary variable. Putting it on one line is of course trivial. The code below should do what you need.
newArray{1}=cell2mat(cellfun(@(x) x{1},dblArrayX','UniformOutput',false));