MATLAB: Compare the elements of multiple matrix and return min and max matrix

matrix array min max

Hi everyone, I want to compare the matrixes A, B, C and find the min and max values for the same index;
A = [1 92 33;
4 15 66;
16 27 48]
B = [34 45 16;
67 38 19;
2 83 31]
C = [20 53 61;
4 17 83;
35 14 39]
and return to two matrixes such as,
Min = [1 45 16;
4 15 19;
2 14 31]
Max = [34 92 61;
67 88 83;
35 83 48]
How can I get this result? Could you please help with this?

Best Answer

First concatenate them, then do the min and max calls:
ABC = cat(3,A,B,C);
Min = min(ABC,[],3)
Max= max(ABC,[],3)
Min =
1 45 16
4 15 19
2 14 31
Max =
34 92 61
67 38 83
35 83 48