MATLAB: Comment out “eventdata” with “~” in GUI

~eventdataMATLABmatlab gui

guide suggests replacing "eventdata" in callbacks with "~"; is this wise? If I don't do it, M-lint will always show orange!

Best Answer

You can, but you'll still have another orange squiggle on the line. It will still say that the callback function might not be used. Duh! It's a callback, and won't get used unless someone interacts with the control it's associated with. You can suppress warnings, but I didn't suppress that warning because what if there is some dead code function somewhere in your code that you custom wrote (not a built-in callback generated from GUIDE)? I'd like to know about those unused functions. However I have so many of these callbacks that my right margin is just a virtual barcode of orange and gray stripes, so I tend to ignore them on the margin.
If it's in the code window (text editor) and it's a valid suggestion, then I will take corrective action, but I ignore most on the right panel because there are simply too many.