MATLAB: Command line completion / search

command history

In older releases of Matlab, when you started typing a line that matched the beginning of a line in your command history, pressing the up arrow would take you to that line. In 2014a, pressing the up arrow takes you to the last line that contains a matching string anywhere in the line, which I find much less helpful. How do I tell it that I want to match the beginning of the line?

Best Answer

In R2014a and subsequent releases the default behavior is "Match Beginning", just as it has always been. R2014a did introduce the "Match Anywhere" option but it was only selectable from the drop down in the upper-left corner of the command history window. R2014b exposed this option in the preferences. I think the only way you could have acquired the "Match Anywhere" behavior without explicitly selecting it would have been by running the R2014a pre-release, where MathWorks experimented with having "Match Anywhere" as the default.