MATLAB: Comma Separated Imported Data

commadata import

I have a csv file that is separated by commas without spaces and with will not be separated into multiple variables. Is there something I can do in Matlab? I tried tooling with the delimiter options but to no evail, thank you (I have attached one of the files).

Best Answer

S = fileread(FileName);
S(S == '"') = [];
fmt = '%f%f%f%f%f%f';
data = cell2mat( textscan(S, fmt, 'HeaderLines', 1, 'Delimiter', ',', 'CollectOutput', true) );
Now data is a numeric array with 6 columns.
Potentially you might want to use
dd = data(:,1:4);
dd(:,5:6) = 0; %add minutes and seconds column
dt = datetime(dd);
Now dt would express the dates and times as datetime objects. That can be useful in analysis, such as
Wind_Direction = data(:,5);
Windspeed = data(:,6);
T = timetable(Wind_Direction, Windspeed, 'Rowtimes', dt);
and then you can do things like
retime(T, 'daily')
which would give you the daily average wind direction and windspeed.
(However, this in itself would not know about wrapping directions at 360 so the average wind direction could be wrong, such as near 2016,01,24,00)