MATLAB: Import data from a .txt file with multiple delimiters and headerlines

data importdelimiterheaderlinesimportdatamultiple delimiterstextscantxt

Hello dear Matlab Gurus,
I would like to know a way to import data from a .txt file. The file has 5 lines which I would like to ignore and the columns are separated by commas and > (larger than symbol). Here is an example of the .txt file:
I would like the outcome to look something like this:
00 17:05:38 06/27/12 78.0 920 01 17:05:42 06/27/12 78.0 920 02 !7:05:45 06/27/12 78.0 920
Or even better, if I could ignore the first column and show the time and date columns as serial time and date. So have only 4 columns like this:
0.71224537 39625 78.00 920 ….
The last step could probably be done after the import.
So far I have been trying to use this code but without much luck :
fd = fopen('file.txt','rt');
data = textscan(fd, '%d%d%f%d', 'delimiter', ', >','headerlines',5);
I hope I described my problem good enough and someone will be able to help me. Any hint into the right direction is very appreciated…
Thank you very much…

Best Answer

dataCell = textscan( fid, '%*3c%s%s%f%f', 'Delimiter', ',', 'HeaderLines', 2 );
sernums = datestr( strcat(DataCell(2), ' ', DataCell(1)) );
output = [sernums dataCell{3} dataCell{4}];
This would convert the times and dates together as serial date numbers. If you want the columns to be separate as you show in your example, then
sernums = [datestr( DataCell(2) ), datestr( DataCell(1) )];
output = [sernums dataCell{3} dataCell{4}];