MATLAB: Colum Format in uitable is weird

app designercolumnformatuitablewitchcraft

I found an odd behaviour which I assume is a bug.
If you create the following uitable and scroll fast to the right, then column 6 has suddendly a binary format instead of the dropdown menu.
Whats going on here and how can I avoid that?
Thanks for your answer (or even your response that you can reproduce my error.)
f = uifigure;
u = uitable(f);
numRows = 1000;
numCols = 3;
data = [ logical(ones(numRows,1)),randi(3,numRows,1)];
data = repmat(data,1,numCols);
u.Data = data;
u.ColumnEditable = true;
dropDown = {'1','2','3'};
format = [ {'logical'},{dropDown}];
u.ColumnFormat = [{[]},{[]},repmat(format,1,numCols)];

Best Answer

I have brought this issue to the notice of our developers. They will investigate the matter further.
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