MATLAB: Colormap of the difference between a function Q(x,y) and a constant C in the (x,y)-plane

2d plotcolormapmathematicsplotting

Here we have
So, I want the colormap for the difference C-Q(x,y) in the x,y-planes and map out the regions where C=Q(x,y), C<Q(x,y), and C>Q(x,y)

Best Answer

I am helping you for a major part. Rest you need to follow up .
m = 100 ; n = 100 ;
x = linspace(0,0.01,m) ;
y = linspace(0,0.01,n) ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y) ;
L = 0.81*10^-3 ;
C = 16.3 ;
N = 10000 ;
Q = zeros(m,n) ;
for i = 1:N
vn = ((2*i-1)/2*L)^2*pi^2 ;
A = -vn*X./(1+vn*Y) ;
Q = Q+1/vn*(1-exp(A)) ;
Q = 2./X.*Q ;
pcolor(X,Y,Q) ;
shading interp ;
Check the code thoroughly, before using.