MATLAB: Colorbar Minor Tickmarks with 2014b

colorbarminor tick marksplottick marks

I used to be able to turn on minor tickmarks on colorbars prior to version 2014b using the command
set(h_cbar, 'YMinorTick', 'on');
Now, however, I get an error when I run this. Looking through the list of properties for the colorbar, I can't find any way to add minor tick marks to a colorbar. I can add unlabeled tick marks, but they have the same length as the major tick marks.
As an example, the following code run in v. 2012a adds minor tick marks to the figure.
h_f = figure;
h_p = plot(9:20,9:20);
h_c = colorbar;
When the same code is run in v. 2014b, I get the error:
Error using
There is no YMinorTick property on the ColorBar class.
Is there any way to create minor tick marks in v. 2014b, or is it completely lost?

Best Answer

I don't see it hidden anywhere. Incidentally there is a hidden "Axes" property, but it returns the axes the colorbar is linked to, not the colorbar itself.
Potential workaround: create a new axes on top of the colorbar, and set ITS minor ticks. Use axes('color','none') to get a transparent background so you can otherwise see the colorbar behind it.