MATLAB: Code prover wants userdef function for critical section

nodesktopPolyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Server

From code-prover i get this error:
Stubbing standard library functions ...
Propagating data types... 50%
Propagating data types... 100%
Analyzing data type mismatch... 50%
Analyzing data type mismatch... 100%
Finalizing data type handling
Stubbing unknown functions ...
Error: Verifier found an error in parameter -critical-section: function "fenter_critical" must be a userdef function
Error: Verifier found an error in parameter -critical-section: function "fexit_critical" must be a userdef function
Command option was:
polyspace-code-prover-nodesktop ... -critical-section-begin fenter_critical:cs1 -critical-section-end fexit_critical:cs1 ...
The functions are defined as:
void fenter_critical(void) {}
void fexit_critical(void) {}
How do i solve this error?

Best Answer

can you check if fenter_critical() and fexit_critical() are always declared in every file where they are used? I can reproduce the same message with this code:
//void fenter_critical(void);
//void fexit_critical(void);
void task(void) {
void main() {
If the declarations are uncommented, then there is no problem.
--- Alex