MATLAB: Weak symbols in codeprover

attributegccPolyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Serverweak

We use the gcc attributing in order to mark functions weak in libraries. That way projects including these libraries can overwrite the content of that weak function with custom content.
e.g. usage in a library:
void __attribute__((weak)) foo (void)
The codeprover (polyspace-code-prover-nodesktop) doesn't seem to understand this attribute, as it is gcc specific implementation.
Does codeprover provide some alternative syntax for this?
I can see a valid alternative, but that would be quiet intrusive for our libraries:
void foo(void)
So what does codeprover support in order to mark a function as weak, over writable by other implementation.

Best Answer

when you write "The codeprover doesn't seem to understand this attribute", do you mean that you have a compilation error?
If yes, I can't reproduce it when selecting "gnu4.6" as the "compiler" in Polyspace (version R2017a).
What version of Polyspace do you use, and what is the value associated to the -compiler option?
Best regards,
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