MATLAB: Closing specific figure handles


I asked a similar question before, but haven't been able to get the behavior I am looking for.
Example. I can have up to 4 plots p(1)=figure, p(2), p(3), p(4)… I can also have up to 4 histograms h(1)=figure, h(2), h(3), h(4)…
Using a for loop to determine the user desired output, figures are created, then the plot or histogram is "put in" each figure.
Due to the nature of how I am creating the figures, I am not sure which ones are open, so I can't just do:
close(p(1)); close(p(2)); close(p(3)); close(p(4));
Same for h(i). Is there a way to close all of p, or h, with a single command, no matter if one or all of them are open?

Best Answer

Why not just do close(h)?
If there's a possibility that h never gets created at all (no histograms), you can use exist to check before doing the close
if exist('h','var')
EDIT Rereading the question, perhaps the problem is that h(2) may exist as a variable, but not refer to a valid figure? In that case,