MATLAB: Only close specific figures


Currently I use this code to close all figures.
Say I have up to 5 figures for A data, and 5 other figures for B data. If I "reset" A data, I only want to close those figures, and leave the B data figures open. I assume it would be along the lines of instead of just doing plot, I could do A(i)=plot and B(i)=plot, and close close A or B?

Best Answer

Are you able to just keep a vector of the figure handles (for A and B separately) as you create them, such that you can close the ones you want? For example,
>> handleA(1) = figure;
>> handleA(2) = figure;
>> % etc

>> handleB(1) = figure;
>> handleB(2) = figure;
>> % etc
Then, to close only A figures, you can do
>> close(handleA)
I guess I'm having trouble understanding your use case.
Also, regarding closing all figures, is there a reason you don't just use
>> close all