MATLAB: Check Position with for loop, not enough input arguments

arraycheck positioncheck takenfor loopfunctionfunction inputinput argumentnested loopnot enough argumentstic tac toe

I made a simple function that loops between the rows and columns of an array using for loops. The loop is part of a function named checktakentest (Since I'm testing this method atm). I keep getting the error that there aren't enough input arguments.
function [spotTaken] = checktakentest(tttArray)
for h = 1:3
if tttArray(h,j) == 1
%Is spot is taken, break loop
spotTaken = 1; break;
spotTaken = 0;
for j=1:3
if tttArray(h,j) == 1
spotTaken = 1; break;
spotTaken = 0;
I tried also defining h and j previously as follows
h = [1,2,3];
j = [1,2,3];
Note that tttArray is a global variable defined in another function and its array values change in that function. A spot taken is 1, empty is 0. What arguments should I pass to the function and how do I know which ones to pass since this has been a recurring problem for me? A simple explanation would be appreciated. Note that I call the function via

Best Answer

I answered my own question and changed the method to using an if/else statement.