MATLAB: Change workdir and open file

MATLABworkdir cd

[ afile workdir ] = uigetfile( '*.dat','Select DAT-file' );
shortfilename = strrep( afile, '.DAT', '' );
cd( workdir );
fid = fopen( afile );
Whenever I run this code the first time, and select a file that is in another directory (not my workdir or a path that is added) I get an error about Matlab not able to open the file. At that point, Matlab's Current Folder window switches to the directory where the DAT file is. When I run it again, it works like it is supposed to.
How can I fix this issue? So what do I need to change that whenever I select a file that is not in a folder that is my workdir or added path, that it switches the workdir to that directory and opens the file…

Best Answer

Oops, my fault. The line you are referring to should not be there, because it's not part of the problem. That line is used later in the program.
But your comment got me on the right track. Eventually "addpath()" did the trick.