MATLAB: Change the name of the output file as a loop computes

for loopimage processingimwriteMATLAB

Hello all,
What i want to do is create a stack of files… i have a function F(x,y,z) and it is set to run and calculate F at different z values something like:
for zloop=1:pixel_dimension;
calculate the function based on x y and the changing z value F(x,y,z)
% save images
imwrite(PSF, 'C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\MATLAB\Deconvolution\Brenden\Deconvolution\Point Spread Function\PSF stack\ NAME .bmp', 'bmp');
What i want to know is how to change the name of the output file with each iteration so i dont "write over" the same file each time.

Best Answer

for zloop=1:pixel_dimension;
calculate the function based on x y and the changing z value F(x,y,z)
% save images
imwrite(PSF, ['C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\MATLAB\Deconvolution\Brenden\Deconvolution\Point Spread Function\PSF stack\' num2str(zloop) '.bmp'], 'bmp');