MATLAB: Change path of where the excel files are store and run the code

change pathdifferent directoriesdirectoryexcelMATLABpathuigetfile

I want the user to run the matlab code from its original directory but running it through the excel files that are located in different directory. For example, if matlab code is stored in C:/user/documents and user selects the excel file to be in C:/user/data/excelfiles, I want the code to go through excelfiles folder and run through those files. I have already tried uigetfile to run the code through user selected path. This is not working out as the code still tries to run through its original directory. (Also excel files are too big to load them to matlab.)
[filenames,path] = uigetfile({'*.csv'},'Select the INPUT DATA FILE(s)','MultiSelect','on');
filename1 = strcat(path,filenames);
Code I am currently using to change the path of the files.

Best Answer

[filenames, filepath] = uigetfile({'*.csv'},'Select the INPUT DATA FILE(s)','MultiSelect','on');
if isnumeric(filenames); return; end %user cancel
filenames = cellstr(filenames); %in case the user selected only one entry
filenames = fullfile(filepath, filenames);
numfile = length(filenames);
for K = 1 : numfile
thisfile = filenames{K};
thisdatatable = readtable(thisfile);