MATLAB: Change dimensions of a cell depending on the number of inputs

cell arraysvariable inputs

I am building a model with nodes made of different number of states. Each node is defined as a cell containing the probability of each state to happen. For example, the node A has 2 states and node B has 3 states, so they are represented as 1×2 and 1×3 cells, i.e.,
A = cell(1,2);
B = cell(1,3);
There is a third cell C that is a child node of A and B (i.e., probabilities of C are conditioned to those of A and B, the "parent nodes") that has 4 states. So, this will be a 2x3x4 cell, as follows:
C = cell(2,3,4);
Is there a Matlab function or a way to create automatically the cell C with dimensions that depend on the number of the parents and that each of the dimensions correspond to the length of each of the parents of C? Basically, I want a program that put those numbers "2", "3" and "4" in the argument of the cell C automatically depending on the length of the parents and C.
An extra example to clarify. Suppose I have extra 2 nodes D and E with 2 and 6 states (D = cell(1,2); and E = cell(1,6);). So, I want that the program creates a new cell C whose dimensions are cretated automatically from its parent nodes, so the program should fill up the argument of the cell C as follows:
C = cell(2,3,2,6,4);
Note that the number of states of the node C has to be at the end of the argument.
Thanks for your help guys!

Best Answer

I'm assuming that your cells will not be individual variables (impossible to work with) but stored for example in another cell array:
function childcell = makecell(parents, numstates)
%creates a child cell of the correct size based on the size of the parents
%parents: a cell array of N cell arrays of arbitrary size.
%numstates: number of states of the child
%child cell: the child of size numel(parents{1}) x numel(parents{2}) x ... x numel(parents{N}) x numstates
validateattributes(parents, {'cell'}, {});
validateattributes(numstates, {'numeric'}, {'integer', 'scalar', 'positive'})
parentsizes = cellfun(@numel, parents, 'UniformOutput', false);
childcell = cell(parentsizes{:}, numstates);