MATLAB: Change Data Cursor text

data cursordata tipsupdatefcn

Hello, i try to change the data tip of the data cursor and use this function:
function txt = myupdatefcn(empt,event_obj)
% Customizes text of data tips
handles = getappdata(gcf,'mydata');
pos = get(event_obj,'Position');
flux = handles.S.PoolNames(pos(1));
pool = handles.S.FluxNames(pos(2));
wert = handles.S.Stoich(pos(2),pos(1));
txt = {['Flux: ',flux{1}],['Pool: ',pool{1}],['Wert: ',wert{1}]};
In the OpeningFcn of the gui i call this function:
dcm = datacursormode(hObject);
But it did not work and I can't find my mistake. Can anyone help me?

Best Answer

The problem was the string
now i tried:
txt = sprintf('Flux: %s\nPool: %s\nWert: %d.2',flux{1},pool{1},wert);
and this work