MATLAB: Cftool “Not enough input arguments”

cftoolnot enough input arguments

I've been using MATLAB for quite a long time. However, in the new version (2019b) on Mac OSX, I'm facing an odd problem. I'm trying to use the cftool simply for fitting a gaussian function on a bell-shaped data (say x is my 1D array of independent variable, and y is another 1D array of the same size for the data). The fitting fails and an error message is displayed saying "Not enough input arguments". I also tried fitting other functions on the data and it seems that the problem is not limited to the gaussian fit and it similarly occurs for custom equation, exponential, Fourier, rational, power and sum of sines.
Nevertheless, the fitting on the same data is easily done by an old version on the same system (2016b). To resolve the issue I tried various things, but none worked.
I really appreciate any ideas on how to resolve this issue.

Best Answer

Thank you Walter,
I tried the commands you suggested but the problem is not solved.
I have to add that I have recently installed the new version and the fitting was the first thing I was trying to do with it. I have not changed either the paths or anything else yet.
However, I have both 2016b and 2019b installed on the my computer. Could it possibly be the cause somehow? If yes, do you have any suggestions to resolve it (preferably, anything other than removing both versions and fresh installing the new one)?!