MATLAB: Cell array string formatting

arrayscell arrayscellstrdatestrMATLAB

I have a cell array, of which the first few rows look like this:
run_configurations =
27×6 cell array
{1×1 cell} {'12:52'} {1×1 cell} {1×1 cell} {1×1 cell} {1×1 cell}
{1×1 cell} {'12:58'} {1×1 cell} {1×1 cell} {1×1 cell} {1×1 cell}
{1×1 cell} {'13:05'} {1×1 cell} {1×1 cell} {1×1 cell} {1×1 cell}
I do not know how to convert that second column so that each string is in its own cell array, so it looks like the others… can anyone please advise how to convert that column to 1×1 cell arrays please? Or advise how to create that column directly in the necessary format?
The code which creates that second column is as follows:
run_configurations(:,2) = cellstr(datestr([data{ia,time_column}],'HH:MM'))
… where ia is an index array created by "unique" and time_column is just an integer.
The time column of "data" is as follows:
ans =
27×1 cell array
I am very new to MATLAB just trying to get my head around the different types of arrays and how to convert between them. I have played around with various combinations of brackets and conversions but I can't seem to get it quite right.
Thank you!

Best Answer

run_configurations(:,2) = num2cell(cellstr(datestr([data{ia,time_column}],'HH:MM')))