MATLAB: Cell array of Cells to Cell array of Strings

cell arraysMATLABstringstextscan

Hopefully this is a fairly simple question, but I am new to Matlab and am having difficulty converting a cell array of cells to a cell array of strings. What I have is a cell array (z_TestImport) that contains a 1×2 array of cells. What I'd like is a cell array of strings.
How do I go about doing this?
If it would make it even easier I am arriving at the cell array of cells by using the import function below. Maybe the cell array of cells can be avoided during the import.
z_TestImport = textscan(z_Test,'%q %q','HeaderLines',1);
Thanks a lot, Brian

Best Answer

Ah yes. This is a classic.
data = [z_TestImport{:}];
is probably what you're looking for.
The other option is to use the CollectOutput option to textscan (set it to true). However, you still get a cell containing all the data, so you're still left with a line like
data = z_TestImport{1};