MATLAB: Can’t I use a format statement that has alphanumeric, numeric and integer variables

formating alphanumeric - numeric - integer variablesMATLABmatlab r2016a student

Here are two formats I want to use. They both come from FORTRAN format statements. The first is 6F7.0,2F3.0,2I3,I2,6A4, while the second is 5A4,A1,7F7.0. Since they are in fixed field lengths and represent a row matrix, why can't I use a format statement that has alphanumeric (char/string), numeric (floating point) and integer (non-floating point) variables?
MATLAB gives me 'concatenated cell mismatch' or 'exceeded dimensions'.

Best Answer

The lines of code you posted there work fine for me.
The error messages you report are consistent with the possibility that you created a variable named "repmat"