MATLAB: Cant get headerlines to work

data inputheaderlines

Hi guys, I've recently bought Matlab and i dont know a great deal so bear with me. So i want to input data into matlab from
i use
which gives me the data i need but i cant get it to ignore the first 7 lines of text.
I have been trying by textread('ans','headerlines', 7) which doesnt work.
If i select the data manually after putting in the urlread, and putting [..] around the data i want, it does give me what i want which comes up as '31×9 double' in workspace, instead of '1×2881 char'.
Can i get the data to be plotted in '31×9 double' directly from the website without me copy and pasting it, theres a lot of data so im looking for the shortest way. My explanation is terrible, i hope someone gets it, Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Use urlwrite instead.
This works:
File = urlwrite('','Stanford_Data.txt');
fidi = fopen(File);
D = textscan(fidi, repmat('%f',1,9), 'Delimiter','\n', 'HeaderLines',7);
Dd = cell2mat(D);