MATLAB: Cannot express limits in arrays


I cannot think of the correct title for this problem I am having so I apolgise for that initially.
I have a rectangle with fixed area , 4345. The height(Y) and width(Z) however change. Y is equal to or greater then Z. Z has a minimum value 33 and Y has a maximum value 212. I belive the minimum of Y and maximum of Z must be sqrt(4345) . I am trying to create a code that will let me multiply Z and Y together, while understanding their product will always be A.
A = 4345;
Z = [33:0.000001:sqrt(A)];
Y = [sqrt(A):0.000001:212];
A = Z*Y;
IYY = 1/12*Z*Y^3
However the problem is the arrays are not consistent. I thought about not using the arrays, in hope MatLab would understand that ZY would always equal A, however it then wont recognise Z or Y. without the array I dont know how to implement my limits of each. My end goal is to be able to plot how IYY changes for diffrent values of Y.

Best Answer

If the area is fixed, you don't want independent Y and Z:
A = 4345;
Z = [33:0.000001:sqrt(A)];
Y = A./Z;
Note that the condition Y<212 is guaranteed by Z>33 (4345/33 ~ 131)