MATLAB: How to generate the rest of elements of a matrix if only the first row and first column of the matrix is known


Suppose I have a matrix of N*N whose first row is, say [0 10 20 30] and first column is [ 0 5 10 15 ] and now i want to genetare the rest of the marrix of order 4*4 only with the help of the row and column mentioned above.
P.S : The elements should be calculated diagonally corresponding to each and every element of row and column.
for example, a22 = sqrt(a12^2 + a21^2), a23 = sqrt(a13^2 +a21^2) and so on……
and, a32 = sqrt(a12^2 + a31^2), a33 = sqrt(a13^2 + a31^2) so on….
and same trend follows for the rest of the elements.

Best Answer

sqrt(bsxfun(@plus, column(:).^2, row.^2))