MATLAB: Cannot Connect to ROS Master Running on Odroid XU4

MATLABRobotics System Toolbox

I am trying to connect to the ROS master running on an odroid XU4. However, whenever I try to use rosinit, I get the error: "Cannot connect to ROS master at Check the specified address or hostname." The Odroid XU4 is running Ubuntu 16.04. I set up a static IP address of, which is verified by running the 'infconfig' command. I also ran 'echo $ROS_MASTER_URI' in Ubuntu and get ''. It seems that everything is set up properly but matlab can't establish connection? How do I resolve this issue?
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Best Answer

I found out you need to actively run ROS on the Odroid in order to be able to connect to it to matlab. After running the command 'roscore' in the Ubuntu terminal, I was able to connect via rosinit('').