MATLAB: Matlab ROS subscriber basic example

Robotics System Toolboxrossubscriberturtlebot

Have you a step by step example to create a subscriber I do this
setenv('ROS_IP','') % adress PC with Matlab setenv('ROS_HOSTNAME','') setenv('ROS_MASTER_URI','') % adress turtlebot rosinit rostopic list
Here I am able to see all the topics that are on the turtlebot And I am able to command to move my turtlebot with
velocity = -0.1; % meters per second robot = rospublisher('/mobile_base/commands/velocity') velmsg = rosmessage(robot) velmsg.Linear.X = velocity; for i=1:50000 i send(robot,velmsg); end
I can also ask to my Turtle to emitting a noise
soundpub = rospublisher('/mobile_base/commands/sound', 'kobuki_msgs/Sound') soundmsg = rosmessage('kobuki_msgs/Sound'); soundmsg.Value = 6; % Any number 0-6 send(soundpub,soundmsg);
But when I want to subscribe to a topic…
odom = rossubscriber('/odom')
odomdata = receive(odom,3);
I have this error message
Error using robotics.ros.Subscriber/receive (line 325)
The function did not receive any data and timed out.
When I apply : rostopic info /odom I obtain :
Type: nav_msgs/Odometry Publishers: * /mobile_base_nodelet_manager (<http://turtlebot.local:58513/>) Subscribers: * /matlab_global_node_86572 (<>) * /matlab_turtlebot_69671 (<>)
What I should do to be able to subscribe and read a topic of my Turtlebot with Matlab My configuration is Turtlebot : Ubuntu 14.4 + Indigo PC : Windows10 + Matlab 2017a (I stop all firewall)
Thank you in advance for your help

Best Answer

My problem come to multipl IP adress for my Matlab computer...
To help other persone, the configuration that work well with my Turtlebot
In my case, the IP adress are
PC with Matlab :
Turtlebot computer :
In the .bashrc, I have
source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http//
export ROS_IP=
In Matlab 2 solutions are possible:
solution 1:
setenv('ROS_IP','') % adress PC with Matlab
setenv('ROS_MASTER_URI','') % adress turtlebot
solution 2 :
rosinit('', 'NodeHost', '')