MATLAB: Can we call a m-script during model simulation ?:


I want to run a script , which will update some of my parameters in the workspace. Is it possible to call a m-script during model simulation .
I have heard of call back functions like StartFnc and CloseFcn,
But my concern is, when a block is hit (active) in simulation , Can we can a script at that particular point ?
Is there any matlab block in simulink to call a m-script ?

Best Answer

You can control your simulink model from a script file
set_param('modelname', 'SimulationCommand', 'start') % To start your simulation
% Then change your parameters in workspace
set_param('modelname', 'SimulationCommand', 'update') % will update your Simulink parameters
You can also change the parameters in your blocks by using set_param. Look at this example