MATLAB: Can I run a sensitivity analysis in Simbiology if I have a compartment that changes size


I have a model in Simbiology in which cell growth is very important to the relevance of the model. As such, a compartment increases in volume according to a rate rule over time. I've now found myself unable to run a sensitivity analysis of the system because the compartment size does not remain constant. Is there any possible way to assess the sensitivity of the system in this case?
Thanks Alistair

Best Answer

Finite differencing is a method for approximating derivatives. Let me sketch out how this might work for a particular example, like calculating the sensitivity of species Y with respect to P, when P=7.
  1. Y1 = simulated results for Y at parameter value P=7.00
  2. Y2 = simulated results for Y at parameter value P=7.01
  3. Sensitivity = (Y2 - Y1) / (7.01 - 7.00)