MATLAB: Can I legally apply the “.exe” files to the cleints

exe filehome editionlincense

I am an individual user and use matlab home edition to program an automatic system for a company. After packaging to standalone ".exe" file, could my cleint legally use this ".exe" file without buying Matlab lincense?

Best Answer

Use of the Home license to even design that program in the first place is inconsistent with the terms of the Home license. The Home license is strictly for personal projects with no commercial component.
Besides: to date, R2016a, the Home license does not include the possibility of using MATLAB Compiler or MATLAB Coder.
Now if you are using a "Professional" / "Commercial" / "Standard" license (all the same thing) and had paid the approximately $US6400 for the MATLAB Compiler toolbox add-on, then it would be valid to distribute the .exe to commercial clients for whatever cost you could get away with charging, and no royalties would need to be paid to Mathworks. But that is not the case for the Home license, or for the Student Version license, or for the Academic license: only for the full price license.